
Soggy Paper Straws


Soggy Paper Straws

Written by Stephanie Pearl

Soggy Paper Straws

Wet Floors

Clingfilm Doors

Scrubbing Pores

With the Periodic Table

Putting mayo in our hair

Serum in our stare

Concrete Underwear

Medium Rare

Claiming we’re unstable

Just from our flaws

Sucking our sores

Sucking our straws

Spitting in friends faces

Looking for the cause

Clingfilm Doors

Fake news

Tied Shoes

With Strawberry laces

Who has it the worst?

Who suffered it first?

Pack Bags

With self pitty and mayo

Zip open our purse

Count the Queens curse

Friend Calls. Echo Falls.

We say No.

Fill up the glass

With tears of the past

Cut up the couch potato

Dyer we’re bored

Love Island failed to record

Suck the soggy straw of sorrow

Fuck the plastic floor of tomorrow

Soggy Paper straws

Plastic pores

Occlude shores

A homeless hoar

Come to the foar

Young Carnivore

For Gender Roar

And social media war

Is a trapdoor

A façade of the core

Fact that sucking on

that exact

Soggy Paper Straw

You’ve had since Birth

isn’t enough

to save the Earth.




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